Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Miss Janine's ESL Spooktacular

Halloween in my ESL class yesterday!

For once, I had fun with super-hyper Eric instead of spending the whole class telling him things like: sit down, stop whistling, stop throwing things, stop talking, etc. etc.

Janine and her favourite pirate (and one of her favourite witches)

Two of Liz's ESL kids... I took a picture of the girl in white because she was dressed as the scary little girl from the horror movie "The Ring"- the likeness was uncanny, she creeped me out. I hated that movie, it totally scared me, can you tell?

This is my class! Skeleton- David, Witch to my left: Jenny, Witch to my top left: Yena, Witch above me: Yea-na, Warlock to my top right: Eric, Captain Jack Sparrow: Andrew. Joshua missed out on the fun; he was sick.

Making our jack o' lantern treat bags!

The three girls- they are too cute sometimes.

Jenny, Yena, and Miss Janine

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