Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Miss Kerri

Opening some presents at the Fry Place.


Lucy and her boyfriend, and Kim and Drew at the Fry Place

A whole lot of us! (more came)

Me and Ally- she's the most fun secretary ever. Seriously.

Kerri and her cute Korean birthday card

Double cat pose.

I like the blurry ones.

Kerri and Kim

Helena and her new favourite pose!

Kerri and Ally

Drew had an accident (things were getting silly at this point)


Janine and Kerri! ready for Yeongtong, which is where we took the party after the Fry Place.

Janiqua the Kitty Cat.

Foreigners bar in Yeongtong, which is where we ran into my Korean boyfriend! He can't really speak English, but he knows "I love you", "Missing you", "Together" and "Beautiful". Frankly, he really doesn't need to learn any more English, wouldn't you agree Ladies?

The lovely frozen yoghurt cake from Baskin Robbins.

Ally and her friend Betty, who said I was "funny".

The ladies, guarding the huge pitcher of beer in the background.

The blurriness might have been for the best, since at this point everything was a blur anyway. The end!

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