I haven't posted in about a week, huh.
Sorry! Actually I haven't been able to take many pictures because I got sand in my camera at Muuido... and I'm a little lazy about getting it cleaned. Before it's last gasp, though, I managed to get some shots (and some interesting videos...) at a BBQ last week that my friend Aidan hosted in Byeomjeom, which is just the next populated place- I'm going to refrain from using the term "city"- over from Suwon and, actually, it's really close to my neighbourhood since I live in the squalor-ridden southernmost point of the city. It has it's perks!
There was lots of food, drink (the main drink of choice being a concoction in a bucket comprised mostly, I believe, of soju and melted popsicles) and even more people. Now Bar was probably pretty empty that night (sorry Mrs. C). Here are just a few of the pictures from the night, before things got too messy and the cops showed up- which, by the way, was hilarious. Here's a tidbit of what they said:
Cops: "I think maybe you're neighbours might be a little disturbed by your loud music."
Aidan: "Oh, OK, sorry. We'll try to keep it down."
Cops: "OK, thank you for your consideration."
Then the cops left and the party continued much as it had before: loudly.Lindsay and Rachael enjoying some cass-uh.
You can buy "pitchers" of beer at any convenience store in Korea for under $5.00, just like the one I am holding in my hand! Molly is apparently more of a hite-uh fan.
Grace and Jeremy in a room together= comic gold.
Someone brought chicken feet, a traditional Korean snack, to the BBQ but I'm still not sure if it was jokingly or serious. Ciara and Kim had some fun with them anyway (see: chicken foot in Ciara's hand).
I'm beginning to wonder if any party in Korea can occur without a game of Kings.